digital humanities database
The place to go if you need a slang term defined. People submit definitions for each word, institution, or the like, and other users upvote or downvote the definitions to the top or bottom of the list. Think of it as a public dictionary, if the public was made up amost entirely of crass youngins.

When someone asks you a question that can be solved by googling the question, you can send them to this site. With a built-in tutorial and nigh-perfect functionality, this sassy site is perfect for those who get asked too many questions.

This is a more slickly professional, subscription-based social networking site similar to Facebook or Myspace.

The hugely popular video-sharing website where users can upload video content. Many memes get started when some YouTube content is shared between many people.

This website is designed to store and organize users’ photographs and videos, and share them with other web users.

Tumblr: This website “lets you effortlessly share anything. Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos, from your browser, phone, desktop, email, or wherever you happen to be. You can customize everything, from colors, to your theme's HTML.” -from the Tumblr website

This internet meme database helps to sort through the meanings and origins of numerous internet memes.

“FlowingData explores how designers, statisticians, and computer scientists are using data to understand ourselves better - mainly through data visualization.” -from the FlowingData website. The author of the blog has also written a book called Visualize This, a guide to visualizing data.

This service develops copyright licenses for users who wish to allow some uses and modifications of their material by others. “Creative Commons develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation.” -from the Creative Commons website

Similar to TextStat, this web-based tool allows the user to both analyze a body of text and modify it, replacing words with other words or images.
